Cabbage 'Baby Gonzales'

Brassica oleracea (Capitata Group)

How to grow Cabbage 'Baby Gonzales'

Fertilize as needed until late summer. Cabbage tastes best harvested when heads are wrapped tightly, in smaller sizes. 2

Growing Baby Gonzales from seed

Try to aim for a seed spacing of at least 11.7 inches (30.0 cm) and sow at a depth of around 0.25 inches (0.64 cm). Soil temperature should be kept higher than 21°C / 70°F to ensure good germination.

By our calculations, you should look at sowing Baby Gonzales about 45 days before your last frost date.

Transplanting Baby Gonzales

Best raised as transplants, sow 2 or 3 seed per pot in a sterilized seed starter mix (or 1-2 seeds per peat pot). Start indoors in pots 6 weeks before planning to set out, which can be up to 4 weeks before the last expected frost date. Provide strong sunlight, cool temperatures, good ventilation and even moisture. When plants have 3-4 true leaves, harden the plants off by gradually getting the plants used to cool outdoor temperatures and sunlight (…) Prepare a well-draining, sunny site by digging deeply and adding plenty of well-rotted manure and/or compost. Do not plant in same site as other Brassicas for 4 years. 2

By our calculations, you should look at planting out Baby Gonzales about 32 days before your last frost date.

Harvesting Baby Gonzales


1 “Kitchen Garden Seeds”
2 Seed packet