Garden Gladiolus 'Spring green'

Gladiolus x hortulanus

How to grow Garden Gladiolus 'Spring green'

  • Full Sun

  • Medium

Try to plant in a location that enjoys full sun and remember to water moderately. Spring green is generally regarded as a half hardy plant, so although it can survive a small mild cold snap, it is wise to ensure that this plant is protected from frost damage. Spring green needs a soil ph of 6.7 to 7.0 (weakly acidic soil - neutral soil).

Growing Spring green from seed

Sow 4.29 inches (11.0 cm) deep with a guideline distance of 7.02 inches (18.0 cm).

Transplanting Spring green

Spring green is half hardy, so ensure you wait until all danger of frost has passed in your area before considering planting outside - as a guideline, the minimum temperature outside should be approximately 2°C / 36°F.

Harvesting Spring green

This variety tends to mature and be ready for harvest in mid summer.