How to grow Weeping Tea Tree

Leptospermum brachyandrum

Leptospermum brachyandrum will grow in full sun or part shade. The plant prefers moist soil, but will still do well in drier locations as it is found in nature growing alongside creeks as well as in drier rocky sites on steep slopes.

As an Australian native plant, standard plant fertiliser should not be applied as this will burn and kill the plant. Australian soils are geologically old and poor in phosphorous and native flora has adapted to these conditions over millennia. It is therefore generally not necessary to feed Australian native plants. Mulch and compost may be applied as these will help retain moisture, but again these are not necessary.

This species tolerates both short inundation and drought and is suited to growing in temperate and tropical climates. The plant is frost hardy to -7 deg C

How long does Weeping tea tree take to grow?

These estimates for how long Weeping tea tree takes to sprout, grow and harvest are from real observations from real gardeners, right around the world.

Days to Germination How long does it take Weeping tea tree to germinate?

Average days | Min days | Max days (0)

Days to Transplant How long until I can plant out Weeping tea tree?
+ days

Average days | Min days | Max days (0)

Days to Maturity How long until Weeping tea tree is ready for harvest / bloom?
+ days

Average days | Min days | Max days (0)

Total Growing Days How long does it take to grow Weeping tea tree?
= days

Weeping tea tree Etymology

The genus, Leptospermum comes from the Greek leptos: fine or slender and, sperma: seed.
The species name brachyandrum comes from brachy: short, and andrus: male, referring to the short stamens on the male part of the flower. 1

The common name of Tea Tree, which is also applied to Melaleuca plants, is thought to be derived from early colonists brewing an infusion from the leaves of the trees in place of the true tea plant (Camellia sinensis).

Other names for Weeping tea tree


fn1:Growing Native Plants

fn2:Teatrees: genus Leptospermum

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