Chili pepper 'Peperoncini'

Capsicum annuum longum group

How to grow Chili pepper 'Peperoncini'

Peppers need rich soil. Peppers may be used green or ripe.

Growing Peperoncini from seed

Star seeds indoors 8-10 weeks before last frost date of spring. Surface-sow or barely cover the seeds, which benefit from light to hurry germination. Keep the seed-tray in warm conditions, but do not allow to dry out.

By our calculations, you should look at sowing Peperoncini about 56 days before your last frost date.

Transplanting Peperoncini

When sprouts appear, move to a sunny window or grow-light. Set out well-developed transplants after last frost date when weather is warm.

Harvesting Peperoncini

Other Names for Chili pepper 'Peperoncini'
