How to grow Fernleaf Yarrow

Achillea filipendulina

It is tolerant of heat, limited drought and poor sandy soil, but it grows and flowers best in full sun and average soil with good drainage and regular moisture.
The flowers may last four weeks. The removal of spent flowers helps extend bloom time.
Divide in spring or fall every few years.

Clumps should be divided when overcrowded around every 3 to 4 years. Make more plants by sowing seeds, cuttings or division.1

Some problems you may find are: stem rot, powdery mildew, and rust. Plants may need staking, particularly, if grown in rich fertile soils to protect them from strong summer rains which may flatten the plants.1

Harvesting Fernleaf yarrow

Its flowers are great for cutting; they last for several weeks.

How long does Fernleaf yarrow take to grow?

These estimates for how long Fernleaf yarrow takes to sprout, grow and harvest are from real observations from real gardeners, right around the world.

Days to Germination How long does it take Fernleaf yarrow to germinate?
30 days

Average 30 days | Min days | Max days (0)

Days to Transplant How long until I can plant out Fernleaf yarrow?
+ days

Average days | Min days | Max days (0)

Days to Maturity How long until Fernleaf yarrow is ready for harvest / bloom?
+ days

Average days | Min days | Max days (0)

Total Growing Days How long does it take to grow Fernleaf yarrow?
= days

Fernleaf yarrow Etymology

The name Achillea honors Achilles, the Trojan warrior, who used to give an infusion made from yarrow to his soldiers to treat their wounds.

Fernleaf yarrow Folklore & Trivia

Said to be used by witches as an all-purpose herb, hence the nickname The Witch’s Herb. Instills courage, strength, love, and friendship, and banishes evil. Attracts faeries.

Other names for Fernleaf yarrow


Achillea filipendula, Achillea eupatorium

Misspellings: Achilea filipendulina



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