Cabbage rose 'Tour de Malakoff'

Rosa centifolia

How to grow Cabbage rose 'Tour de Malakoff'

  • Partial Sun

  • Medium

Arching growth type, of not grown as a short climber against a wall, drive in three or four stakes about 50 cm from the plant and tie in the sprawling stems, arching them between the stakes. This will break the buds along the stem and more flowers will be produced, as well as keeping the rose tidy and safe in the wind.
Scrape in a handful of blood fish and bone in early spring as growth starts and again late summer after flowering
Prune and tie in after flowering, remembering that the flowers are produced on the previous years growth.

Try to plant in a location that enjoys partial sun and remember to water moderately. Keep in mind when planting that Tour de Malakoff is thought of as hardy, so it can be safe to leave outdoors for the majority of winter (although if in doubt, using a row cover is often a good idea).

Growing Tour de Malakoff from seed

Roses are not normally grown from seed as the seedlings are not usually like the parent plant.
Roses are grown from hard wood cuttings taken in the autumn or by grafting bus onto root stock
Take 30 to 40 cm hard wood cuttings and strip off all but the top two leaves. Dip into rooting hormone and insert into a trench with added grit prepared in less sunny part of the garden. The cuttings will be ready for individual planting the following autumn

Transplanting Tour de Malakoff

Best grown as a short climber as the growth is sprawling and untidy. Plant as a bare root rose in the dormant season. Dig a big hole and spread out the roots, backfill and add a handful of blood fish and bone. Water well and heel in, the soil should cover the graft by 4cm
Container grown plants can be planted at ant time of year provided the watering is attended to

As Tour de Malakoff is hardy, ensure temperatures are mild enough to plant out - wait until after your last frost date to be on the safe side.

Harvesting Tour de Malakoff

Cabbage rose Tour de Malakoff Etymology

Tour de Malakoff was a battle in the siege of Sevastopol, on the Crimea

Tour de Malakoff folklore & trivia

Grown by Soupert et Notting 1856