Culture:Kangkong can be grown in various ways. Under dry cultivation the
plant is grown in soil which is not inundated. Seeds are broadcast, sown in
rows or into raised beds. Cuttings can also be used. Organic fertiliser and
urea is applied after planting and soil must be kept moist. Using wet
cultivation the plants are planted into a paddy field situation, either as
cuttings or seedlings. When the plants are established they are flooded,
and the water level raised according to development. In some areas
kangkong is grown floating on the water in ponds or rivers. The roots are
not in contact with the soil and cuttings are anchored in the water using
bamboo sticks.
Harvest the plant whole or cut off certain parts for future growth
These estimates for how long Chinese spinach takes to sprout, grow and harvest are from real observations from real gardeners, right around the world.
Average 6 days | Min 2 days | Max 9 days (6)
Average days | Min days | Max days (0)
Average days | Min days | Max days (0)
Water spinach, Swamp cabbage, Water convolvulus, Water morning-glory, Kangkung, Kangkong, Eng chai, Tangkong, Kang kung, Trawkoon, Pak boong, ผักบุ้ง, Rau muống, Kongxincai, 空心菜, Kōngxīncài, Home sum choy, Ong choy, Tung choi, 蕹菜, Ngônkcôi, Wéngcài
Ipomoea reptans