Tuberous begonia 'Nonstop Rose Petticoat F1'

Begonia x tuberhybrida

How to grow Tuberous begonia 'Nonstop Rose Petticoat F1'

  • Dappled Sun

  • Medium

Susceptible to powdery mildew. This disease is severe in warm, dry climates. Plants should NOT be crowded in order to allow air flow between them.1

Best way to propagate is by stem cuttings taken in spring.2

Begonia tubers can be dug and divided in late spring or late summer while the plant is still in its active growth phase. Brush off excess soil and make clean cuts along the tuber, making sure that there is at least one, and better yet two or three stems sprouting from each cut section. Plant the tuber piece and stem in a nursery pot filled with moist, sterile potting mix. Place the tuber and stems at the same soil depth at which it was previously planted. Soil should be kept moist but not wet. Place two bamboo stakes or wood dowels on either side of the pot. Cover the pot with a clean clear plastic bag and either tie or tuck the ends of the bag under the pot to secure and create a greenhouse effect. Humidity should be kept high for two or three weeks period during which they will root in the potting mix. The pots should be placed in bright, indirect light. When you see some growth, or after a month, start to acclimatize the cuttings by opening the bag 1/4 inch more each day to mix fresh air with the greenhouse environment. Place the cutting filled containers outdoors when temperatures are mild and in the desirable natural range for begonias. After a month of being placed outdoors they are ready to be transplanted to the place where they are to stay.3

Plant in a location that enjoys dappled sun and remember to water moderately. Keep in mind when planting that Nonstop Rose Petticoat F1 is thought of as tender, so remember to wait until your soil is warm and the night time temperature is well above freezing before moving outside. Try to keep the ph of your soil between the range of 5.5 and 6.5 as Nonstop Rose Petticoat F1 likes to be in weakly acidic soil.

Growing Nonstop Rose Petticoat F1 from seed

Transplanting Nonstop Rose Petticoat F1

Ensure that temperatures are mild and all chance of frost has passed before planting out, as Nonstop Rose Petticoat F1 is a tender plant.

Harvesting Nonstop Rose Petticoat F1

Other Names for Tuberous begonia 'Nonstop Rose Petticoat F1'




2 Annuals for Every purpose/Larry Hodgson