Obedient plant 'Alba'

Physostegia virginiana

How to grow Obedient plant 'Alba'

  • Full Sun

  • Medium

Grow in average moist, acidic and well-drained soil in full sun. Taller plants may need staking.2

Try to plant in a location that enjoys full sun and remember to water moderately. Keep in mind when planting that Alba is thought of as very hardy, so this plant will survive though longer winters with little or no damage. Alba tends to grow best in a soil ph of between 5.6 and 7.5 meaning it does best in weakly acidic soil - weakly alkaline soil.

Growing Alba from seed

Transplanting Alba

Ensure that temperatures are mild and all chance of frost has passed before planting out, as Alba is a very hardy plant.

Harvesting Alba

Obedient plant Alba Etymology

The name obedient comes from the fact that when each individual flower is pushed in any one direction, temporarily will remain in the new position as if it was hinged.1

The genus name comes from the Greek word “physa” which means bladder and “stege” meaning covering, referring to the calyxes which inflates as they develop.2

Other Names for Obedient plant 'Alba'

False Dragonhead, obedient plant


1 missouribotanicalgarden.org

2 missouribotanicalgarden.org/PlantFinder/PlantFinderDetails.aspx?taxonid=252772&isprofile=0&