Rose 'Belle Isis'


How to grow Rose 'Belle Isis'

  • Full Sun

  • High

Add a handful of blood fish and bone in early spring and again after flowering in late summer. Pruning is after flowering, take out dead diseased or crossing branches. and reduce the rest by about a third. Light pruning only as flowers are produced on the previous years growth

Try to plant in a location that enjoys full sun and remember to water often. Belle Isis is generally regarded as a hardy plant, so this plant will survive close to or on freezing temperatures.

Growing Belle Isis from seed

Usually grown from hardwood cuttings taken in the autumn, or by buds grafted onto rootstock.
Take 30 to 40 cm hard wood cuttings and strip off all but the top two leaves. Dip into rooting hormone and insert into a trench with added grit prepared in less sunny part of the garden. The cuttings will be ready for individual planting the following autumn

Transplanting Belle Isis

For bare root roses, in the dormant season. Dig a hole and spread out the roots. Back fill adding a hand full of blood fish and bone. Water, heel in and top up the hole with the graft 4cm below the surface
Container grown roses can be planted out in the garden at ant time of year, provided watering is attended to

Belle Isis is hardy, so ensure you wait until all danger of frost has passed in your area before considering planting outside.

Harvesting Belle Isis

Belle Isis folklore & trivia

From Parmentier 1845