Tomato 'Florida Special'

Solanum lycopersicum

How to grow Tomato 'Florida Special'

Keep in mind when planting that Florida Special is thought of as tender, so it is really important to plant out well after your last frost date.

Growing Florida Special from seed

Start seeds indoors six weeks before last frost date.

Transplanting Florida Special

Plant to the first set of true leaves to promote strong root growth.

As Florida Special is tender, ensure temperatures are mild enough to plant out - wait until after your last frost date to be on the safe side.

Harvesting Florida Special

This variety tends to be ready for harvesting by late summer.

Florida Special folklore & trivia

First known description in the 1932 Maule’s Seed Catalogue.1 Obtained by Victory Seed Company and re-introduced to the market. Victory seed company obtained their stock from the USDA, accession number PI 644962. 23
