Weigela 'Red Prince'

Weigela florida

How to grow Weigela 'Red Prince'

  • Partial Sun

  • Medium

Propagate by stem cuttings or seeds.1

Position in a partial sun location and remember to water moderately. Keep in mind when planting that Red Prince is thought of as very hardy, so this plant will tend to survive through freezing conditions.

Growing Red Prince from seed

Transplanting Red Prince

Prune to shape immediately after flowering.1

Ensure that temperatures are mild and all chance of frost has passed before planting out, as Red Prince is a very hardy plant.

Harvesting Red Prince

Weigela Red Prince Etymology

The genus name honors Count Franz Adams von Waldstein-Wartenberg (1759-1823), Austrian botanist and writer.1


1 missouribotanicalgarden.org/PlantFinder/PlantFinderDetails.aspx?kempercode=c367