False blue indigo 'Caspian blue'

Baptisia australis

How to grow False blue indigo 'Caspian blue'

Growing Caspian blue from seed

For germination in cooler climates: Pour very hot water over the seeds prior to planting.About 80C. Let the seeds soak in this water as it cools and coninue soaking for 12 hours. Sow in a sterile seedcompost aproximately 5mm deep at about 20C. Germination takes 10-14 days. The seedlings are particularly susceptable to damping off and the use of Cheshunt compound may be useful to help prevent this in addition to watering with cool boiled rainwater.

Transplanting Caspian blue

Harvesting Caspian blue

Other Names for False blue indigo 'Caspian blue'

False blue indigo