Chicory 'Speckled frisee hybrid'

Cichorium intybus

How to grow Chicory 'Speckled frisee hybrid'

Growing Speckled frisee hybrid from seed

Transplanting Speckled frisee hybrid

Harvesting Speckled frisee hybrid

Chicory Speckled frisee hybrid Etymology

OP Hybrid. Developed by crossing frisee with endive and escarole. Frisee is the most significant parent of this plant, and frisee was developed in France.

Misspellings of Chicory 'Speckled frisee hybrid'

Speckled friz, speckled frizz, speckled frisee

Other Names for Chicory 'Speckled frisee hybrid'

Hybrid Speckled frizz, Speckled Frizz hybrid