Sweet corn 'Crowell Honeycomb'

Zea mays var. saccharata

How to grow Sweet corn 'Crowell Honeycomb'

Growing Crowell Honeycomb from seed

Sow at a depth of approx. 0.98 inches (2.5 cm) and aim for a distance of at least 8.97 inches (23.0 cm) between Sweet corn plants.

Transplanting Crowell Honeycomb

Harvesting Crowell Honeycomb

Crowell Honeycomb folklore & trivia

Jim Crowell:

“My Dad harvested this seed it about 25-30 years ago in El Cajon in San Diego County. This very sweet corn is yellow with honey-colored dots, with 2-3 ears per plant.

My father planted it in this manner:
The field was manured in the fall and allowed to remain fallow over the winter. In May the field was plowed and the seed was planted on the day prescribed by the Farmer’s Almanac. They were placed 9 inches apart and one inch deep. Once the corn was a foot high trenches were made between the rows for watering.
The corn would be ready in June or July."