How to grow Cauliflower

Brassica oleracea (Botrytis Group)

Cauliflower grows better in cooler temperatures – not suitable for warm areas1. It is important to start cauliflower early enough that it matures before the heat of the summer but not so early that it is injured by the cold 2.

Cauliflower plants should be kept growing vigorously from the seedling stage through harvest. Any interruption (extreme cold, heat, drought or plant damage) can abort development of the edible portion, leading to large plants that never develop a head. 2

Cauliflower needs a consistent and ample supply of soil moisture. Side-dress nitrogen fertilizer when the plants are half grown. 2

Be sure to “blanch” the head once it has reached 2-3 inches 2. To do this, break a leaf over the head and secure with clothespins, or “tie” the outer leaves over the head to keep the curd a crisp white colour and preserve flavour 1 2. Some varieties are self-blanching 2.

Transplanting Cauliflower

Transplant 4-6 weeks after sowing the seed1.

Use starter fertilizer when transplanting. Always use young, actively growing transplants. Never buy or use stunted plants that have been started in flats and held too long before transplanting; results with inferior plants are almost always disappointing. 2

Space plants 18 inches apart for spring plantings, 24 inches apart in the row for fall plantings 2.

As Cauliflower is hardy, ensure temperatures are mild enough to plant out - wait until after your last frost date to be on the safe side.

Harvesting Cauliflower

15-22 weeks to harvest 1. The curd develops rapidly under the right conditions, growing 6-8 inches in diameter and is ready to harvest within 7 to 12 days after blanching begins 2. The mature heads should be compact, firm and white. Harvest the heads by cutting the main stem. Leave a few green outer leaves attached to protect the heads. Cut the heads before they become overmature and develop a coarse, “ricey” appearance. Once individual florets can be seen, quality deteriorates rapidly. 2

Because cauliflower does not ordinarily develop side shoots, plants may be disposed of or composted after heads are harvested. 2

Seed Saving Cauliflower

Seed viability is four years.

How long does Cauliflower take to grow?

These estimates for how long Cauliflower takes to sprout, grow and harvest are from real observations from real gardeners, right around the world.

Days to Germination How long does it take Cauliflower to germinate?
6 days

Average 6 days | Min 2 days | Max 17 days (252)

Days to Transplant How long until I can plant out Cauliflower?
+ 44 days

Average 44 days | Min 9 days | Max 89 days (43)

Days to Maturity How long until Cauliflower is ready for harvest / bloom?
+ 108 days

Average 108 days | Min 25 days | Max 225 days (103)

Total Growing Days How long does it take to grow Cauliflower?
= 158 days

When should I plant Cauliflower?

Our when to plant Cauliflower estimates are relative to your last frost date.

When to sow The number of days to sow Cauliflower before or after your last frost date.
14 days before Last Frost Date

Cauliflower Etymology

*Please note: Botrytis is a horticultural group, and not a variety.

Other names for Cauliflower

Romanesco broccoli, Roman broccoli, Chou-fleur

Brassica oleracea botrytis, Brassica botrytis, Brassica oleracea var. botrytis

Misspellings: Cauliflour, Caulliflower, Coliflower, Caulifower, Coliflor


1 Gardenate

2 University of Illinois Extension

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