Leek 'Autumn Giant'

Allium ampeloprasum var. porrum

How to grow Leek 'Autumn Giant'

  • Partial Sun

  • Medium

Water well to establish and earth up as necessary to blanch the stem.

Try to plant in a location that enjoys partial sun and remember to water moderately. Autumn Giant is generally regarded as a very hardy plant, so this plant will typically do well in a variety of different extremes of cold temperature.

Growing Autumn Giant from seed

For the earliest crops sow 1cm deep in pots or modules under glass or in a propagator at 15C in late winter early spring. For main crops sow thinly out doors or under glass in the spring

Sow at a depth of approx. 0.78 inches (2.0 cm) and aim for a distance of at least 0.39 inches (1.0 cm) between Leek plants. For optimal germination, soil temperature should be a minimum of 16°C / 61°F.

Transplanting Autumn Giant

Harden off in mid to late spring and dib in 20cm deep into well prepared ground. Put one plant per hole and water in only to settle soil around the roots. Allow 20 to 25cm between plants and 30 cm between rows.

Autumn Giant is very hardy, so ensure you wait until all danger of frost has passed in your area before considering planting outside.

Harvesting Autumn Giant

Harvest when the stems have been blanched and are reasonably thick, usually late autumn. They can be left in all winter and harvested gradually

This variety tends to mature and be ready for harvest in mid autumn.

Autumn Giant folklore & trivia

Traditionally grown in Western Europe.