Mexican firebush 'Firefly'

Hamelia patens

How to grow Mexican firebush 'Firefly'

  • Full Sun

  • Medium

Fertilize sparingly and mulch the root zone to keep out competing grass and weeds. May require supplemental irrigation from time to time. In zone 9 it may die to the ground, however, the root is hardy and will come right back when warm temperatures come back.

Try to plant in a location that enjoys full sun and remember to water moderately. Keep in mind when planting that Firefly is thought of as half hardy, so remember to protect this plant from frosts and low temperatures.

Growing Firefly from seed

Transplanting Firefly

As Firefly is half hardy, ensure temperatures are mild enough to plant out - wait until after your last frost date to be on the safe side.

Harvesting Firefly

Mexican firebush Firefly Etymology

The genus Hamelia was named after the prominent French botanical author, Henry Louis Duhamel du Monceau (1700 – 1782).1

Firefly folklore & trivia

The small black fruit is considered acidic and edible, and a fermented drink is, supposedly prepared from it.1

Other Names for Mexican firebush 'Firefly'

Scarlet Bush, balsamo(Puerto Rico)
