Carnation 'Dwarf fragrant mixed'

Dianthus caryophyllus

How to grow Carnation 'Dwarf fragrant mixed'

Sewing guide recommends in cold areas not to plant out until frost has past, and plant takes over 6 months to mature. In frosty areas, you will need to sow indoors in late winter.

Keep in mind when planting that Dwarf fragrant mixed is thought of as tender, so it is really important to ensure that the outside temperature is well above freezing before planting or moving outdoors.

Growing Dwarf fragrant mixed from seed

Sow direct in final position (in frost free areas) otherwise, grow in punnets/seedboxes and protect from frost.

Transplanting Dwarf fragrant mixed

Thin out at 2-4 leaf stage.

Ensure that temperatures are mild and all chance of frost has passed before planting out, as Dwarf fragrant mixed is a tender plant.

Harvesting Dwarf fragrant mixed