Iris 'Blue Shimmer'


How to grow Iris 'Blue Shimmer'

  • Full Sun

  • Medium

Divide clumps after a few years to avoid overcrowding. Separate the rhizomes and take care to preserve the roots. Discard the old rhizomes from the centre of the clump, divide the rest, and replant.

Try to plant in a location that enjoys full sun and remember to water moderately. Blue Shimmer is generally regarded as a hardy plant, so it can be safe to leave outdoors for the majority of winter (although if in doubt, using a row cover is often a good idea). Blue Shimmer needs a soil ph of 6.1 to 7.8 (weakly acidic soil - weakly alkaline soil).

Growing Blue Shimmer from seed

Can be frown from seed but may not come true. Much easier and quicker to flower from cuttings made of the rhizome after flowering

Aim to sow 0.99 inches (2.55 cm) deep and try to ensure a gap of at least 1.19 inches (3.05 cm).

Transplanting Blue Shimmer

Plant out in a hot sunny well drained position, with the rhizomes level with the soil and exposed to the sun. This will ripen the rhizomes and produce more flowers the following season

Blue Shimmer is hardy, so ensure you wait until all danger of frost has passed in your area before considering planting outside.

Harvesting Blue Shimmer

Iris can be used as cut flowers but are quite short lived. Cut as the buds begin to show colour

This variety tends to mature and be ready for harvest in mid summer.