How to grow Madagascar Jasmine

Stephanotis floribunda

Stephanotis comes from a humid environment and does best when humidity is high (over 50%).245 Many suggest keeping potted plants on a humidity tray.4 In places where the temperature goes under 55F Madagascar jasmine should be kept in a temperature controlled greenhouse or kept as a houseplant.1

Cut back this jasmine once a year, sometime between fall and late winter24. Flowers will come from new growth.2 Blooms generally late spring into fall (May to November).

Stephanotis prefers part to full sun, but should be shaded from the harshest sun of the day.4 Receiving 6-8 hours of morning sun is best.4

Stephanotis need to be given a trellis or other support to climb on.

Growing Madagascar jasmine from seed

Can be raised from seed but also cuttings taken in the spring from semi ripe shoots.3 To take cuttings pick a stem with at least 4 leaves, cut just below one set of leaves, remove bottom leaves, dip in rooting hormone (optional), insert cutting to bottom of leaves into potting mix consisting of half peat moss and half pearlite or sand, water well and let drain, cover pot with plastic bag supported with wire or sticks, do not let dry out.3

Transplanting Madagascar jasmine

The vine will need support and is usually trained around a frame in a pot.

Ensure that temperatures are mild and all chance of frost has passed before planting out, as Madagascar jasmine is a hardy plant.

Seed Saving Madagascar jasmine

Large fruit like seed pods that ripen in the autumn. Small seeds with parachute attachment.

How long does Madagascar jasmine take to grow?

These estimates for how long Madagascar jasmine takes to sprout, grow and harvest are from real observations from real gardeners, right around the world.

Days to Germination How long does it take Madagascar jasmine to germinate?

Average days | Min days | Max days (0)

Days to Transplant How long until I can plant out Madagascar jasmine?
+ days

Average days | Min days | Max days (0)

Days to Maturity How long until Madagascar jasmine is ready for harvest / bloom?
+ days

Average days | Min days | Max days (0)

Total Growing Days How long does it take to grow Madagascar jasmine?
= days

Madagascar jasmine Etymology

In Greek Stephanos means crown and otos means ear.13 The genus name refers to the resemblance of the flower tube to an ear canal surrounded by a crown.1

Called “bridal wreath” due to flowers being used in bridal bouquets.13

Madagascar jasmine Folklore & Trivia

This is not a true jasmine but rather is in the same family as dogbane and milkweed.1

Other names for Madagascar jasmine

Bridal wreath, Floradora, Wax Flower, Madegascar Chaplet Flower, The Wedding Plant,

Misspellings: brideal plant, bride plant,


1 Missouri Botanical Garden

fn2"Guide to Houseplants":

3 How to Grow Madagascar Jasmine

4 University of California-Orange County

5 Joyus Garden

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