Tetrapanax papyriferus 'Rex'

Tetrapanax papyriferus

How to grow Tetrapanax papyriferus 'Rex'

  • Partial Sun

  • Medium

Not fully hardy in zone 8 and 9. It require winter protection or shelter from a wall. Will grow quickly given favourable conditions to produce a tropical effect

Plant in a location that enjoys partial sun and remember to water moderately. Rex is generally regarded as a tender plant, so remember to ensure that temperatures are mild before moving outdoors.

Growing Rex from seed

Transplanting Rex

It does not seem to reqire a particular soil type, but it must not be kept too wet in the winter or it may rot. It prefers a sheltered spot out of the wind to preserve it beautiful leaves. If there is frost it will loose its leaves in winter but can stay more or less evergreen if it does not get too cold in a sheltered spot. It should regrow in the spring if the roots are well protected

Rex is tender, so ensure you wait until all danger of frost has passed in your area before considering planting outside - as a guideline, the minimum temperature outside should be approximately -5°C / 23°F.

Harvesting Rex

Other Names for Tetrapanax papyriferus 'Rex'

Rice paper plant