How to grow Spearmint

Mentha spicata

Although hardy, it survives as an underground root system in winter, so leaves must be preserved to have supplies in winter.
Keep cutting plant down to encourage fresh young shoots
Cut down in the late summer for a fresh flush of leaves before winter.
If pot grown, mint will need watering well and fertilising in the growing season. Top up the compost as the season progresses

Growing Spearmint from seed

Sowing from seed is possible, but whenever a cutting can be used, use it.1
Place the seed on the surface of the compost and do not cover, cover with a plastic bag and keep reasonably warm at between 20 and 25C until germination which can take up to 21 days. Do not exclude light as this helps germination, grow on at cooler temperatures.

Look to ensure a distance 11.7 inches (30.0 cm) between seeds when sowing - bury at a depth of at least 0.23 inches (0.6 cm) deep. Soil temperature should be kept higher than 20°C / 68°F to ensure good germination.

Transplanting Spearmint

When seedlings are large enough to handle pot up individually into 7cm pots and grow on in cooler conditions. Plant out after frost has passed. It would be wise to restrict the growth by planting in a pot, as the roots spread, invade and regenerate from the smallest section of stem or root
Alternatively plant up in a large flower pot and keep on solid ground to prevent the roots escaping. It will need more care in a pot.

Ensure that temperatures are mild and all chance of frost has passed before planting out, as Spearmint is a hardy plant.

Harvesting Spearmint

Good for mint sauce, chopped and added to wine vinegar and a tiny amount of sugar. For a change, mix chopped leaves with lemon juice and a drop of honey.

Chop an add to new potatoes or fresh peas. This mint is used for mint tea.
Use fresh young leaves, to encourage these trim the plant periodically

Seed Saving Spearmint

It is easier to start from cuttings than from seed

How long does Spearmint take to grow?

These estimates for how long Spearmint takes to sprout, grow and harvest are from real observations from real gardeners, right around the world.

Days to Germination How long does it take Spearmint to germinate?
11 days

Average 11 days | Min 3 days | Max 25 days (40)

Days to Transplant How long until I can plant out Spearmint?
+ 22 days

Average 22 days | Min 14 days | Max 62 days (2)

Days to Maturity How long until Spearmint is ready for harvest / bloom?
+ 64 days

Average 64 days | Min 7 days | Max 818 days (28)

Total Growing Days How long does it take to grow Spearmint?
= 97 days

Spearmint Folklore & Trivia

Used to help digestion.1 Check with your doctor or lactation consultant before using large amounts if breastfeeding.

Other names for Spearmint

Mint, Hortelã

Mentha viridis

Misspellings: Spear-mint, Mint, Mint, Common Mint, Garden Mint, Normal Mint


1 Rosemary Gladstar’s Medicinal Herbs-A beginners guide Page 203

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