Wonderberry 'Luther Burbank's'

Solanum retroflexum

How to grow Wonderberry 'Luther Burbank's'

Growing Luther Burbank's from seed

Soil temperature should be kept higher than 18°C / 64°F to ensure good germination.

Transplanting Luther Burbank's

Harvesting Luther Burbank's

Wonderberry Luther Burbank's Etymology

This should be reclassified as Solanum x burbankii.
A Historic, annual, garden huckleberry in the solanum (tomato/eggplant) family

Luther Burbank's folklore & trivia

Developed by Luther Burbank from native american plants.

Misspellings of Wonderberry 'Luther Burbank's'

bukbanks, burbanks

Other Names for Wonderberry 'Luther Burbank's'

Burbank’s, burbankii