How to grow Weather Prophet

Dimorphotheca pluvialis

Many beautiful and interesting displays can be made by mixing the different annuals like the blue flax (Heliophila coronopifolia) which grows tall and thin, Felicia heterophylla a striking blue daisy and the brightly coloured Bokbaai vygies, Dorotheanthus bellidiformis. Bulbs like the arum lilies ( Zantedeschia aethiopica) and watsonias grown in clumps work very well mixed with the annuals. At Kirstenbosch we collect all our own seed from the garden to be sown again the next year. If the seed is not collected Dimorphotheca pluvialis usually seeds it self the next year. Dimorphothecea pluvialis has no major pests at Kirstenbosch other than the guineafowl, which love to eat the soft new growth.

Growing Weather prophet from seed

This species grows easily form seed. The best time to sow is in autumn directly into the planting beds or first in seed trays or seedbeds from where the seedlings can be planted out. Scatter the seed on well-prepared soil with good drainage and in full sun. The seeds can be lightly covered with sand or fine milled bark. Germination is fast, usually within 4 days.

Sow 0.2 inches (0.5 cm) deep with a guideline distance of 0.78 inches (2.0 cm).

Transplanting Weather prophet

Watering the young seedlings regularly is important, as the young plants require plenty.of water. The annuals respond very well to fertilizers but only apply fertilizers if the plants look stunted or deficient otherwise they grow to soft. The annuals transplant well and within 3 -4 weeks after germination they usually a good size to handle. When planting be generous with the annuals, as a very full and rich effect is gained by close planting.

Weather prophet is half hardy, so ensure you wait until all danger of frost has passed in your area before considering planting outside.

How long does Weather prophet take to grow?

These estimates for how long Weather prophet takes to sprout, grow and harvest are from real observations from real gardeners, right around the world.

Days to Germination How long does it take Weather prophet to germinate?
4 days

Average 4 days | Min days | Max days (0)

Days to Transplant How long until I can plant out Weather prophet?
+ 24 days

Average 24 days | Min days | Max days (0)

Days to Maturity How long until Weather prophet is ready for harvest / bloom?
+ days

Average days | Min days | Max days (0)

Total Growing Days How long does it take to grow Weather prophet?
= days

Weather prophet Etymology

The botanical epithet is from the Latin pluvialis meaning “produced by rain”

Other names for Weather prophet

Ox-eye daisy, Rain daisy, Cape daisy, Witbotterblom

Misspellings: rain dasies


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