How to grow Hollyhock

Alcea rosea

After flowers are faded the plant can be cut above ground level and it will grow back. Flowers will open in fall.1
Hollyhocks can be treated as short lived perennials but flower poorly in subsequent years and are prone to rust.

Growing Hollyhock from seed

May be Winter Sown.
Alternatively, sow in mid summer into pots or modules using ordinary potting compost. Pot on individually when seedlings are large enough to handle.

Try to aim for a seed spacing of at least 0.2 inches (0.5 cm) and sow at a depth of around 0.1 inches (0.25 cm). For optimal germination, soil temperature should be a minimum of 12°C / 54°F.

By our calculations*, you should look at sowing Hollyhock about 56 days before your last frost date .

Transplanting Hollyhock

Grow on in cool conditions potting on if necessary. Plant out into the flowering position in late summer. Hollyhocks are comfortable in full sun and grow well against a sunny wall. They are biennial and flower in their second summer.

Hollyhock is very hardy, so ensure you wait until all danger of frost has passed in your area before considering planting outside.

Seed Saving Hollyhock

Collect the seed heads when almost ripe, into a paper bag and place on a warm windowsill until the seeds fall from the stalk

Seed viability is five years.

How long does Hollyhock take to grow?

These estimates for how long Hollyhock takes to sprout, grow and harvest are from real observations from real gardeners, right around the world.

Days to Germination How long does it take Hollyhock to germinate?
19 days

Average 19 days | Min 2 days | Max 73 days (53)

Days to Transplant How long until I can plant out Hollyhock?
+ 66 days

Average 66 days | Min 50 days | Max 75 days (11)

Days to Maturity How long until Hollyhock is ready for harvest / bloom?
+ 59 days

Average 59 days | Min 33 days | Max 366 days (8)

Total Growing Days How long does it take to grow Hollyhock?
= 144 days

When should I plant Hollyhock?

Our when to plant Hollyhock estimates are relative to your last frost date.

When to sow The number of days to sow Hollyhock before or after your last frost date.
56 days before Last Frost Date

Other names for Hollyhock

Stokroos, Malwa, Hollyhock red, Dwarf hollyhock

Alcea pallida

Misspellings: Alchea


1 Tulips in the Woods-Hollyhocks

2 The A-Z of Garden Flowers

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