Ceanothus 'Dark Star'


How to grow Ceanothus 'Dark Star'

  • Full Sun

  • Very Low

Needs excellent drainage, full sun and room to grow. Grows very fast. Prefers lean soil low in organic matter. Likes clay as long as drainage is good, also grows well in silty or sandy soils. May need occasional (monthly) supplemental water during its first season if weather is very dry. Fixes nitrogen. Dislikes compost and fertilizer.
Takes pruning well but does not require it. Prune immediately after bloom is finished so as not to interfere with the following year’s flowers.

Plant in a location that enjoys full sun and remember to water very sparingly. Dark Star is generally regarded as a hardy plant, so it can be safe to leave outdoors for the majority of winter (although if in doubt, using a row cover is often a good idea).

Growing Dark Star from seed

Transplanting Dark Star

water regularly during first year to get established.

Dark Star is hardy, so ensure you wait until all danger of frost has passed in your area before considering planting outside.

Harvesting Dark Star